Wednesday, July 17, 2013

A Little Relief

     Payday is coming on Friday which means relief, well sort of. Harold was able to get 30 hours overtime on this paycheck so we are able to have a little breathing room and the first thing on the paycheck list is to pay the bills, all the bills. With this check I can pay everything that was overdue and anything that is due now and still leave us a good amount for gas and groceries.
     Speaking of groceries I am working on my menu and grocery list. I usually work up a menu list for 2 weeks, making a meal plan for 14 days. I know that during that time there will be days that I just don't want to cook, or don't have the time but I like to have a plan. I usually go thru the local sales ads to see what is on sale, this will usually help me decide what is best to plan for. My plan for right now is to head out to Sam's Club and either Aldi's or Save-A-Lot. I am planning on getting a some bulk items at Sam's, the stuff I use a lot of, and then getting the rest of my supplies at one of the other grocery stores.

     Moving on a little bit..... I had a job interview today. Did you hear that?
It's doing what I've been doing for the past 12 years, insurance. I have been a billing manager for the  2 Dr's that I have worked for. It's something I enjoy and loath. It's not very challenging, a lot of staring at a computer and talking on the phone. I enjoying it because, well I'm really good at it. It seems to come natural to me, I pick up the new stuff pretty quickly. I won't hear anything on the job for a while. The interview I had today was just the first round, they plan on pulling the best from that group and doing a round of second interviews. Let's hope for that call back.
    BTW... one of the interview questions was what cartoon character do you feel represents you the best, I said Eeyore. Eeyore is me, I'm blue and purple most of the time, my mood is usually down.
I'm doing pretty good right now though, I'm in more of a middle area. That's pretty amazing for me so I'll take it.
     I guess that's enough for tonight, I've got to get up early and take Katy to camp. However, my plan is to have my menu plan and grocery lists up tomorrow for you to see, just don't hold me to that.  

Friday, July 12, 2013

2 years ago today

     On July 12, 2011 my little world stopped and was forever changed, a dear, dear friend was killed in an accident. Merle Faucette was a great man, father and friend, there has not been a day since he passed that he has not been missed. This man who dedicated his life to helping others was called home to Heaven to be an Angel to those of us who need his guidance.
     Merle was a strong yet loving man, he loved his wife Brenda, his son Matt and his daughter Monica with everything he was. He worked hard to make sure they had the things they needed and even in death keeps giving. Merle was an EMT and a volunteer fire fighter, he lived to help those in need. He also loved his dog Harley and his motorcycle. To Merle motorcycling was his release, but never taken for granted. He was the most conscientious biker rider, he was very careful to follow every law. He was very careful, didn't speed, wore the proper equipment but was still able to have fun. As a firefighter and EMT he had seen way too many bad ends to the motorcycle.
     Brenda, Matt and Monica have forever been changed, their lives altered from the course it was taking. They will never fully heal, never forget. They are now without the love of their life, their father, the friend. He was a great man and will forever be missed, so on this day I would like to say, Merle Faucette You are forever loved and missed.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Selling Everything (well almost everything)

     Since my last posting I have been trying to find ways to make money and so far I've succeed in making a few bucks. I posted quite a few things on Ebay, Craigslist and Facebook. I have sold a Cricut with Jukebox (125.00) 2 sets of knives (15.00) Gazelle (20.00) Apple Canisters (10.00) Blue Glass Canisters (10.00) Hamster Cage (15.00) 3 books on ebay (19.00+shipping) 2 shirts on Ebay (7.00) a bunch of the girls clothes (50.00). I am currently planning on taking all my packed up books to a used book buyer and having them make me an offer on them, the drive there sucks though so I'm putting it off. It seems like I've made a lot of money but I have had to buy groceries, gas for 3 cars, dr visits and medications. It goes quickly.

     On the other side of making money I have been applying for jobs, any job (well sorta) NO Fast Food. Hopefully something will come along. The fact that I refuse to work outside of a certain area also hurts me a little, but with Harold working in Durham (30 minutes away) I need to be close by. I will find something I just know. Pray for me.

Well back to posting things to sell, also check out my Etsy Shop.
Adding more stuff soon.

'Night All

Monday, July 1, 2013

Still Around......

     I'm still here, just have a hard time blogging. Really want to blog just don't think anyone really wants to hear my crap. Here's my update though.
                                            No JOB (which means no money)

     With this update I am adding a new topic----Financial Strain (severe financial strain.) I have got to find a job, even if it's part time. I would prefer to be at home with the kids and dogs but until we can get in a better financial state that can't happen. We were doing fine when Harold was able to get loads of overtime, that has since stopped. >>>his boss is an ass<<< With Harold's return to work today (more on that in a moment) he found that they will be returning to a more normal schedule which means overtime will be returning. Even with the overtime returning we have fallen behind on a lot of things. Collection agency have been calling and as of today I have been avoiding the calls. I have NO money to give them, heck I have no money for anything. Groceries are almost nonexistent and my small stockpile is beginning to run dry, the freezer wont even get us through the month. I'm seriously kicking myself for not doing to garden when I had the money but we had other plans then. We will survive, we always do. I'll just be ignoring the phone calls and pinching every penny I can find.

     So from the earlier statement of Harold's return to work, we went on vacation. I know your asking how can we afford that well it was something we paid for with my profit sharing money from my previous job. Several months ago things were going good, so we decided that with the money I got, we would pay off some bills and use the rest for a family vacation. We paid the condo rental fee and put money aside for spending. Since then we have gone from doing good to bad but we couldn't get our money back on the rental and losing the $950.00 was not an option, so we went on vacation. The money we put aside had since been used for other necessities so a credit card was used for spending money, which meant groceries and 2 meals out. We're home now and I am back to struggling with even more debt.
                           Here's some pictures of our fabulous time.....


    With all the worries that I have, my depression is taking a beaten. I worry all the time and it's affecting my sleep and energy level. I can't fall asleep or even stay asleep which then affects how I feel when I get up. Can't really go to the doctor since I have no extra money so I will struggle with then lack of sleep and the crappy feelings.

     Guess that's enough for now, hopefully I will be able to do more updates. Stick with me, I'm new at this and don't like to talk about my problems. My plan is to start talking about the financial issues, my depression and my attempt at becoming a more self reliant person. I am going to be delving into the world of stockpiling, gardening, canning and more homemaking stuff. Here goes nothing........